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 A message from our founder Cassandra A Campbell


"Living with a chronic illness can be devastating.
As well as the physical pain, chronic illness can cause mental and emotional distress, affect interpersonal relationships, career and every single aspect of life. At one point or another we feel like we've been robbed of our childhoods, career prospects, ambitions and overall hopes and dreams for a happy, fulfilled life.


Over time, the lack of energy and motivation to get through the day becomes overwhelming. But change is possible. The transformation won't happen overnight; it will be a challenging and emotional process, but it will definitely be worth it!"



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I founded the Chronic Warriors Academy because providing survival tools for people with conditions like mine is very important to me, particularly after enduring decades of no emotional support or practical coping strategies from the medical profession.

My personal journey and work with clients has highlighted how much our environment, challenges and upbringing can impact how we think about ourselves and what we believe we can achieve in life; what we tell ourselves is very powerful and influences our feelings and behaviours.

Music, dancing, my son, partner, friends and family, giving to my communities and knowing there is more to me than these conditions are what keep me going and bring joy to my life.


I am a mom of 2, chronic illness advocate, actor and creative writer with a background in perinatal birth work, placenta remedies and holistic massage therapy.

As an individual with multiple chronic illnesses & disabilities I knew that I wanted to see more people like me speaking about their conditions and how they impact their lives.

That's why I started Chronic Conversations, an Instagram series where I discuss chronic health conditions and disabilities with fellow warriors. Not only to shine a light on these conditions but to also help to build a helpful knowledge and information bank for our community and allies. 



The CWA provides transformational courses, services and products to cultivate resilience, reclaim control and enjoy life!

Based in London

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